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Auroville International’s status, objectives and working methods were examined and approved for a realisation of unity and harmony. With Blessings..

-The Mother, 8-11-1969

The association “Auroville International” (AVI) is a worldwide network set up with the aim of supporting the Auroville International Township in India. Founded in 1983, Auroville International has its legal basis in the Netherlands and has today member associations, affiliated groups and liaison addresses in 24 countries.

One of the main functions of Auroville International is to support Auroville in all possible ways, which includes the making of representations to national, international, governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Another important role of Auroville International is to act as a channel for funds to Auroville’s projects.

A third function of Auroville International is to improve the information flow between Auroville, Auroville International and its member associations, affiliated groups and liaison addresses , and provide financial and other support to its members and associated organizations.


  • Making known the existence, activities, aims and ideals of Auroville;

  • Actively co-operating with the community of Auroville in its development and in the promotion of its aims and ideals;

  • Raising funds for Auroville and all its activities with a view of promoting international understanding and human unity;

  • Supporting the activities of Auroville;

  • Irrespective of political considerations facilitating the co-operation of governments, international and other organizations with Auroville;

  • Taking all necessary steps to establish an effective organisation of centres, affiliated groups and individual participants;

  • Supporting as appears appropriate the work executed by centres, affiliated groups and individual participants ;

  • Adopting any other appropriate methods.

Auroville International seeks to establish in every country of the world an Auroville International Centre in accordance with the laws of that country. Each Auroville International Centre will become a member of the umbrella organization Auroville International in accordance with its statute and in collaboration with the Working Committee of the Auroville Foundation.

Auroville International Centres will endeavour to obtain a tax exempt or identical status, so that donations made to Auroville can be channeled through the Centre, and the donor or the centre can avail of tax advantages. Auroville International is an association founded in 1983, registered with the Chamber of Commerce, The Hague, The Netherlands, under nº 40103255.

Structure of Auroville International

The AVI network presently consists of 23 liaisons, which may be smaller groups or single individuals, plus 9 national centres, which are registered associations in their respective countries, most of them enjoying a charitable, tax-exempt status. The structure of AVI is non-hierarchical, with individual centres and liaisons developing their own organisational set-up and their own range of activities, following the idea of national and cultural diversity. However, both centres and liaisons follow certain guidelines based on the statutes of the umbrella organisation Auroville International. Centres and liaisons send their representatives to this umbrella organization’s Board of 12, one of its regular members being the Auroville representative, appointed by the Auroville Working Committee. The Board physically meets at least once a year during the international AVI meetings.

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